6 Tips For Staying Active

Physical inactivity increases one’s risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some types of cancers, and other chronic diseases. Lack of physical activity can also affect a person’s mental health.

Squeeze exercise into your schedule to improve your overall well-being. Some health benefits of physical activity include improved brain and muscle health and reduced risk of physical and mental illness. Exercise helps increase the production of feel-good or happy hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins. These hormones promote happiness.

Here are our top tips for staying active.

Walk More

Walking is a great exercise. Walking briskly for 3 minutes every day can reduce blood pressure, strengthen bones and muscles, and reduce excess body fat. Here are some easy ways to walk 10k or more steps every day.

  • If you live close enough to your office, walk to work.
  • Invite your friend or neighbor to join you for walks. This is a great way to make your walks more fun.
  • When you go grocery shopping, park further away from the store.
  • Take the stairs more often.
  • Turn brainstorming sessions at work or one-on-one meetings into walking meetings.

Set Realistic Goals

Fitness goals help you stay motivated. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) fitness goals. A SMART goal can be decreasing the amount of time it takes you to run a mile from 10 minutes to 8 minutes. To prevent overwhelming, break down your goals into actionable tasks.

Get a Pet

Taking a leisurely stroll with your furry friend or playing with it is a great way to sneak exercise into your day. Research shows that a pet can help decrease stress levels, anxiety, and depression and regulate high blood pressure.

Perform Household Chores

Cooking, house cleaning, and yard work count as exercise. When you perform these household chores, you engage your muscles, which is a great way to strengthen them and improve their flexibility. You may not even perceive it as exercise until later!

Work Standing Up

When you stand, you place greater strain on your body than when sitting. As a result, you burn more calories. To keep your legs, feet, and back happy, regularly alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Use a stand-up desk that allows you to stand up comfortably while working without straining your legs.

Choose Activities That You Enjoy

Engaging in activities you despise would be futile, as you will eventually stop performing them. If you aim to maintain an active lifestyle, it is crucial to participate in physical activities that you genuinely enjoy. The more enjoyment you anticipate, the greater your motivation to get moving will be.

Dr. Guy is one of the most trusted concierge physicians in Sonoma. He is unparalleled in developing treatment plans to meet his patients’ unique healthcare needs. To make an appointment with Dr. Guy, call 707-938-1255.

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