June 2022 Newsletter: COVID Treatment and Paxlovid Rebound

Hello to all patients. COVID seems to be running rampant out there. Stay vigilant and please do everything possible to protect yourself and others. If you do develop viral symptoms, I recommend you assume that you have COVID until proven otherwise.


If you have viral symptoms, I generally recommend daily testing for COVID until you have multiple (about 7) negative tests in a row. Especially if you have had a high-risk exposure.


I have seen one patient have symptoms and not turn positive until the 8th day of testing (the positive test result came 10 days after the onset of symptoms). Of note, this patient had a negative PCR test four days after the onset of symptoms.  All the other tests performed in this patient were the home Rapid Antigen tests. Moral of the story, the current tests to detect COVID are having a lot of false negative results with the current dominant variant that we are seeing locally.


If you have COVID-19 and are at high risk, there is treatment available for you — a combination antiviral called Paxlovid. It is readily available (to date). Be aware, there is the risk for “Paxlovid Rebound.” Please read more about Paxlovid and the potential for rebound COVID on the CDC’s website.


If you have COVID, please isolate and quarantine per the CDC guidelines.


Stay safe and don’t be afraid to wear a mask!

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