Dr. Guy’s January 2023 Newsletter : Knee Pain

Dear Patients,

Knee pain is a very common problem with various causes. For example, Arthritis is a very common cause of knee pain and can easily confirmed by X-Rays.

There are various treatments available for you, including but not limited to:

  • physical therapy
  • pain control (with Tylenol and/or NSAID’s)
  • corticosteroid injections
  • viscous injections
  • and even knee replacement.

I have provided a link to the Mayo Clinic’s website with a short synopsis on knee pain for you to gain a deeper understanding of what symptoms to be aware of.

Click here to read the article in full.

If you have persistent knee pain that affects your quality of life, I encourage you to contact my office and come see us so I can appropriately address it.

Be well!

Dr. Guy
“A Care Beyond”

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