How is Concierge Medicine Better Than Standard Primary Care

The traditional care delivery is riddled with problems and inconveniences. In a traditional setup, a doctor may see upward to 20 or more patients daily and is unable to make time to really intently understand their patient’s concerns.

The true cost of a doctor visit is more than just the copay. The real cost of seeing a doctor is higher as there are several less apparent costs associated with seeing a doctor.

Patients have to travel all the way to their doctor’s office and wait for several minutes before they get the opportunity to see them. Patients who live in far-flung or rural areas have to travel for hours to see their doctor and may even have to book a hotel room for a day or two.

Concierge medicine is a relatively new care delivery model and addresses the shortcomings often experienced in a traditional care-delivery model.

Concierge medicine takes a value-based approach to primary care. It’s objective is to make high-quality healthcare more accessible. In concierge medicine, patients pay a retainer fee to their doctor to realize the many benefits offered in a concierge model.

Concierge medicine focuses on building lasting relationships between doctors and their patients. Dr. Guy specifically sees fewer patients in a day, which allows Dr. Guy to provide the highest quality and level of service possible. Dr. Guy has longer scheduled appointments with his patients which allows for many benefits — more time with patients, he is able to provide a personalized care plan, he is not rushed.

When concierge medicine was introduced, there were few takers for the care delivery model due to high costs. Concierge medicine services were aimed at the elites. However, this is no longer the case. With different payment plans available, concierge medicine has become more affordable than ever before.

There are several benefits of concierge medicine over traditional care delivery models. To start, concierge doctors offer personalized treatment plans to fit the specific needs of their patients.

In this care delivery model, a new patient appointment can last between 60 and 90 minutes. Routine follow-ups typically last 30-45 minutes. In contrast, doctors who follow the traditional care delivery model are usually unable to spend more than 15 minutes interacting with their patients.

Longer appointments means the doctor gets enough time to communicate with their patients. Patients also get ample opportunities to share their concerns and ask their doctors any questions they might have. Longer appointments allow concierge doctors to identify and explore the factors that may affect their patients’ well-being.

In concierge medicine, patients have direct access to their doctors. Unlike doctors in the traditional care delivery model who usually see their patients only during their working hours, concierge doctors are available on a much broader schedule. Dr. Guy is available to his patient 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

Patients can call their doctors to discuss their symptoms or schedule video consultations with them after office hours. The model offers a high degree of convenience to patients as they do not have to travel to their doctor’s office to consult them. Many concierge doctors even make house calls.

Dr. Guy is one of the most trusted concierge doctors in Napa. His empathic approach, expertise, and professionalism set him apart. Dr. Guy has years of experience creating effective treatment plans that address the root cause of illnesses, not just their symptoms. To schedule an appointment with him, call (707) 938-1255.

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